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What Are Symptoms of Depression in Children and Teens? [infographic]
The Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI) is a widely-used psychological assessment that measures the severity of symptoms related to...
4 Groups of People Hardest Hit by COVID-19 Mental Health Impact
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought adverse impacts on mental health of the general population. Four groups of people are particularly hard...
Food Addictions?
Can food be addictive? What does it mean to be a food addict? And what foods are “addictive”? Read some research findings about “food...
Most and Least Addictive Foods, According to Science
In a survey of 518 people, researchers identified the most and least addictive foods using a scientific measurement tool. Researchers at...
What to Expect in DBT Therapy at GenPsych
All of the GenPsych locations have comprehensive adherent or DBT informed programs. Read to learn about the DBT characteristics, skills...
Telehealth: How to Connect With Your Doctor Virtually
Let’s face it. Technology can fail or become disrupted. Read and heed the following tips to ensure consistency and continuity of your...
Stay-At-Home Orders May Help Reduce COVID-19 Anxiety and Suicides
Analyzing over 10 million web search queries in March 2020, researchers found that the stay-at-home orders are associated with a...
How Does Obesity Affect Your Emotional Health?
Researches show that, in general, obese population is not more likely than non-obese people to have mental health disorders. Still,...
Signs of Borderline Personality Disorder [infographic]
Borderline personality disorder (BPD), also known as emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD), is characterized by the following...
Dealing with Depression After Job Loss Due to Coronavirus
Involuntary job loss can cause mental health problems, such as symptoms of complicated grief, depression, and anxiety. Self-esteem, just...
What is DBT Therapy? [infographic]
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy. It is usually administered in three therapeutic settings...
Advantages of DBT-Informed Music Therapy
In a survey of music therapists working in mental health settings, a researcher reveals a community of music therapists who perceive...
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