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Alcohol Addictions

“There are more than 12 million alcoholics in the U.S.”

Bridgewater, N.J. (October 14, 2013) – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cite some extremely interesting statistics that discuss the issue of alcohol abuse. They indicate that 50.9% of U.S. adults 18 years of age and over are current regular drinkers.

Alcoholism is a term used for problems with alcohol. It means compulsive and uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages.

One of the main problems with alcohol addictions are that they sneak up on you. Generally, when someone is abusing alcohol it started off as something moderate. As their tolerance levels increased, the amount of alcohol consumption increases as well. There are many reasons why people abuse alcohol; depression coping mechanisms, anxiety, peer pressure and etc.

You may have a drinking problem if you …

  • Feel guilty or ashamed about your drinking.

  • Lie to others or hide your drinking habits.

  • Have friends or family members who are worried about your drinking.

  • Need to drink in order to relax or feel better.

  • “Black out” or forget what you did while you were drinking.

  • Regularly drink more than you intended to

It is estimated that 35 out of 36 alcoholics never receive treatment of any kind. It is important to seek help before it is too late!

GenPsych, PC, provider of top quality outpatient psychiatric and substance abuse services, stresses the importance of a healthy lifestyle. GenPsych offers a newly revised Substance Abuse Program which is an effective and discrete research-based program designed to empower folks struggling with addiction with the tools they need to successfully achieve recovery and get their lives back on track. The experienced, accredited staff uses an integrated approach to help adults gain support, learn new coping skills, develop healthy relationships and discover the freedom of living without substances. The specialized Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)/Matrix model of treatment combines the better of two empirically based structures known to be effective in treating the cycle of addiction.

For more information on GenPsych’s revolutionary Substance Abuse Programs, visit:

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