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Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

Bridgewater, NJ (August 15, 2013) – Bipolar disorder, aka manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in moods.

According to the National Institution of Mental Health (NIMH) there are two categories to describe the signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder:

Symptoms of mania or a manic episode include

Mood Changes

  • A long period of feeling “high” or an overly happy or outgoing mood

  • Extreme irritability

Behavioral Changes

  • Talking very fast, jumping from one idea to another, having racing thoughts

  • Being easily distracted

  • Increasing activities, such as taking on new projects

  • Being overly restless

  • Sleeping little or not being tired

  • Having an unrealistic belief in one’s abilities

  • Behaving impulsively and engaging in pleasurable, high-risk behaviors

Symptoms of depression or a depressive episode include

Mood Changes

  • An overly long period of feeling sad or hopeless

  • Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed, including sex

Behavioral Changes

  • Feeling tired or “slowed down”

  • Having problems concentrating, remembering and making decisions

  • Being restless or irritable

  • Changing eating, sleeping, or other habits

  • Thinking of death or suicide, or attempting suicide

GenPsych, PC, provider of top quality outpatient psychiatric and substance abuse services, stresses the importance of a healthy lifestyle. GenPsych offers a Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Program which is a structured therapeutic treatment that emphasizes balance between acceptance and change. DBT helps reduce impulsive behaviors, such as suicidality, self-harm, substance abuse, eating disordered behavior, aggression, isolation, rumination, dissociation, anxiety, depression and panic attacks.

For more information on GenPsych’s revolutionary Dialectical Behavior Therapy Programs, visit:

For more information on bipolar disorder, visit:

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