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Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder
This week, Daylight Savings Time ends, triggering a loss of light and the beginning of winter. New Jersey residents know that winters can...
Anxiety and Depression in College Students
College students across the nation are facing a rising problem–and it isn’t just the cost of tuition. According to recent statistics, the...
Experiencing Trauma
As many as 25% of American women will experience sexual abuse in their lifetimes. As we consider the prevalence of assault and the ways...
3 Quick Tips to Manage Anxiety
Millions of Americans struggle with diagnosable anxiety disorders. However, the feelings of worry, nervousness, and fear that...
5 Mental Health Role Models for Women’s History Month
During adolescence, girls often struggle with their self-esteem and appearance. During this time of change, these issues may be made more...
4 Ways to Help Someone with a Mental Disorder
What can you do to help? This week, The Washington Post released an article about Mental Health First Aid. It offered that while many...
Tips for the Parent who Isn’t Sold on Therapy
It is estimated that 20 percent of adolescents have a diagnosable mental illness, and that as many as one-third of these individuals...
Setting Body-Friendly Resolutions this New Year’s
It’s no surprise that most gym memberships are purchased in the month of January. According to, the most popular New Year’s...
5 Ground Rules for Living a Happy Life
Nearly seven percent of all American adults suffer from major depressive disorder, but even those without a diagnosable condition can...
School Bullying Treatment in NJ
One in four U.S. children experiences bullying on a regular basis. ( Bartolomiej (Bart) Palosz was a part of this...
Treatment for Depression and Anxiety in NJ
Approximately 350 million people globally are affected by some form of depression. Whether it’s due to the stigma attached to mental...
NJ Treatment for School Anxiety/School Refusal
Julie is a 15 year old high school sophomore. She and her mother were on the way to school, when she could feel it happening again. Her...
Managing Trauma, Attachment Issues and PTSD
Managing trauma issues, attachment issues, and triggers resulting from complex and single trauma events is a great challenge, often not...
12 Must Have Strategies For Recovery During The Holidays
In my years of helping people through recovery, it is clear the holidays bring about an increased need for support and skills to not only...
FOMO – Fear Of Missing Out
“FOMO, the fear of missing out, is a form of social anxiety,” says psychiatrist Gail Saltz. “This type of fear tends to cause compulsive...
Teen Suicide
Teen suicide is a growing health concern. It is the third-leading cause of death for young people ages 15 to 24, surpassed only by...
12 Surprising Causes of Depression
12 Surprising Causes of Depression: Rx medications: Depression is a side effect of many medications. Birth Control Pills: Like any...
Does the Weather Affect your Depression?
Does the Weather Affect your Depression? It could. Many people get cranky when it is too hot, or too humid, but perhaps even more...
Forms of Depression
Depression can come in many different types and forms. Major depression is when a person’s mood is severely depressed and goes on for two...
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Its Benefits
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based theory with many pros to treatment. If you can find a trained DBT therapist in...
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