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7 Causes of Depression [infographic]
Depression is a mood disorder that results from a myriad of events and factors.
Health Anxiety Treatments: The Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions
Research has shown that there are effective methods for treating health anxiety disorders. However, it is a major challenge to make...
Why Nature Is Good for Mental Health
Besides proven treatment results, nature can also make us happy and bring family closer. Nature-Based Interventions Improve Mental Health...
Who Will Benefit from Dialectical Behavior Therapy?
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is one of the most successful and effective treatments for depression, bulimia, binge-eating,...
Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Suicidal Thoughts and Attempts
The dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) may not stop people from thinking about suicide, but it works to prevent people from attempting...
How COVID School Closings Affect Children’s Mental Health
A CDC report suggests that virtual instruction might present mental health risks to school-aged children. In a March 2021 report, the...
5 Stages of Grief: How We Responded to COVID
An expert on the popular "5 stages of grief" model applied the five stages to responses to the COVID-19 virus, saying, "it's not a map...
Are There Mental Health Benefits of Owning a Dog?
Despite a commonly held belief that companion animal (e.g., dogs) ownership contributes to improved psychological well-being, research...
Comparing Two Insomnia Treatment Options: Behavioral and Medication
Although behavioral intervention is the recommended first-line treatment for insomnia, high rates of medication (e.g., sedative-hypnotic)...
How to Know if You Have Insomnia? The 7 Symptoms [infographic]
Symptoms of insomnia include not just difficulty falling and/or staying asleep, but also daytime impairments that result from poor sleep...
Can Anxiety or Depression Cause Insomnia in Adolescents?
Researchers found that anxiety may cause insomnia, but depression may not. Instead, insomnia turns out to be a cause for depression....
Why Can Amphetamines Be Used to Treat ADHD in Children?
The efficacy of amphetamine in reducing ADHD symptoms and improving functional outcomes has been shown in clinical studies. How...
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