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February 20th Livingston Open House

GenPsych PC is a provider of top quality outpatient psychiatric and substance abuse services. We’ve opened a new Livingston, NJ location and will host a free open house event on February 20, 2013 to celebrate.

Caring for the mental health care needs of adolescents and adults is an urgent issue in New Jersey with long-term consequences for individuals and the community. According to the NJ Association of Mental Health Agencies, the cost of untreated mental illness in New Jersey is $4 billion annually, with the toll found in non-psychiatric medical care, prisons, unemployment, substance abuse, disability, shelters, lack of productivity, school interventions, and broken families. Over half of children with severe mental illnesses do not graduate from high school. With these unsettling statistics in mind, GenPsych PC, provider of top quality outpatient psychiatric and substance abuse services, has opened a new Livingston, NJ location and will host a free open house event on February 20, 2013 to celebrate.

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